As an emergency response to the pandemic, governments across the globe implemented strict lockdowns to reduce the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, this has affected the construction industry in more ways than one, in this blog we will discuss how it has affected the supply of steel.
In early 2020, it was noted by the British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association (BEAMA) that there was a considerable decrease in steel production. This caused a global shortage that the association described as a “problematic” issue set to continue in the months ahead. It has been estimated that the steel shortages could negatively impact large projects as British Steel halted orders due to an “extreme demand”.
There are fears that the shortage could lead to panic buying which will further worsen the state of the supply chain. However, Beexco can provide the solution to the dramatic shortage the country is experiencing. We have brilliant suppliers in America, Brazil, South Korea, and Turkey who can meet the demands of the industry.
We are global suppliers with a particular focus in the US market. Beexco is passionate about providing solid solutions to the construction industry and transforming the current strained supply chain back into the lucrative, fully functioning business it once was. For further information on how our products can benefit your construction project, be sure to get in touch.