What we do

Beexco LLC supplies oil and gas, rebar and cement to customers worldwide.

We deliver to our customers all over the world in a very comfortable way, by sourcing and supplying the best quality materials such as gas & oil, cement, and rebar.

Global Petroleum

Our Natural Gas & Oil is sourced from wells in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Qatar, Iraq, Kazakhstan and United Arab Emirates. A highly demanded resource, they make for a potent source of energy to do almost anything we need such as fuel vehicles, material production, and much much more.


Our rebar is supplied from top factories in America, Brazil, South Korea, Japan and Turkey. 
Reinforcing steel comes in various shapes and sizes, at Beexco we supply number 8, number 12 and number 18 also known as T8, T12 and T18. 


Beexco LLC supply cement from the best cement factories around the world including Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Portugal, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam.
Our products are widely used in various applications from concrete, mortar and render, to the manufacture of pre-cast units such as blocks, bricks, pipes and tiles.

@2024 Beexco LLC, Registration No. 223384090. All rights Reserved.

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